Friday, July 22, 2005

Truth About Userpictures


Uploaded for forums.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Gimli talking dirty to the Wargs.

More LoTR subs here:
The Two Towers bad subs


Gimli desperate to get toasted by the Uruk-Hai.


How the hell did an already lame "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" become "Do not want!"!?!?!?!

My geography superior to your geography!

Obi Wan bragging about his property.

Must Solve.

Obi Wan giving an inspirational speech for disabled persons.




She doesn't want Big and Strong, and apparently doesn't like running either.

Bigger and Stronger!

Anakin telling Padme that his... piece is bigger and stronger now.

Need Longer is Already...

Yoda tells Obi Wan that Anakin has basically turned into an asshole and is not that cute little boy he used to know.


Yoda isn't gonna take no shit from some whiney Jedi Master.

Kill them all.

Obi Wan doesn't want to face what he must do. Kill his fellow elephants.


C3PO telling Anakin and Padme to get a room.


More Gollumspeak courtesy of Mace Windu.

Send the troopses! Kill the nasty hobbitses!

More Four Letter Words

Anakin expressing his frustration of the Jedi Council.


A strange crossover occurs when Anakin starts talking like Gollum form LoTR.

Wise advice

Yoda giving his horribly-phrased advice as usual. Only he's been drinking the previous night.


Yoda is shocked that Anakin is, indeed pregnant.

Anakin the Cuckolderer.


I come from Church!

Prebysterian Church = Jedi Council

Wish Power Yeah!

Anakin - "Obi Wan, may the Force be with you"

Hair Growth Advertising

Anakin becomes the new spokesperson for Wong Ah Fatt's hair tonic.

Your father smelled of Elderberrires!

Grevious delivers a swift and sharp rebutt at Anakin's taunts.

I fart in your general direction!

Anakin taunts Grevious.


Grevious instilling some dog-eat-dog related discipline.

Lemon avenue... What!?!?

Now this doesn't make sense at all.

We're a-goin to the country fair...

General Grevious is disappointed to learn that he won't be meeting Anakin and Obi Wan after the fair.

Of big and elephants.

The Chancellor tries to convince Anakin to leave Obi Wan behind, insulting Obi's apparent elephant ancestry.

Dooku talks tough.

OMG I GONNA CUT U!!!!!111oneoneoen

We are for the big!

Obi Wan - "Chancellor, Sith are our speciality."

He is a.... BIG.

The Chancellor warning Anakin and Obi Wan that Dooku is.... big.

What are you doing with that data terminal!? Eww.

Obi Wan spouting some vulgarities at R2 for making icky machine love-sounds into the comm.

Like, the reach man. Totally.

Obi Wan, smoking some damn good weed.

Ouch! My behind!

Fighter pilot - "they're all over me!"

Dichotomy? Riiiiight....

Obi Wan - "let them pass between us"

Wheee Fun!

Anakin - "this is where the fun begins"

Backstroke.... OF THE WEST!



. . Westerners like to backstroke

/flawed logic

Star War

Ol' George was lying in the title, there was only one Star War!

Aaaaand.... ACTION!

Even with the words displayed clearly, the translation somehow gets it wrong. I suspect its a deliberate attempt by the Sith to subvert our minds!

Monday, July 04, 2005

An image used for a post in my other blog in "Fad or Hip New Fashion Trend?", July 4.